How ‘Bout Them Apples!

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, the old saying goes. But what if that apple is local, recently-picked, and grown with love? Could it do more than just keep the doctor away? Could it spark a revolution? Amy Manoff of Manoff Market Gardens thinks so. “A well-grown apple is the most basic thing,”…

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Introducing your friendly Blue Moon bloggers: Rebecca Van Wagner

Hey! I’m excited to be sharing a different side of Blue Moon here with you on the blog. I’ll be sharing information on the products we grow (and how we grow them), some recipes, and other fun things. I work at Blue Moon Acres’ Buckingham office, handling all aspects of our customer care, serving as…

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The Birth of a Blue Moon Blog.

So here it is. The moment you’ve been waiting for. Blue Moon’s first ever… blog. That’s right—blog. As in: “A Website on which an individual or group of users record information, etc., on a regular basis.” So much unrecorded information has been accruing in the twenty-plus years we’ve been growing high-quality microgreens that we’re going…

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