Introducing your friendly Blue Moon bloggers: Rebecca Van Wagner


Hey! I’m excited to be sharing a different side of Blue Moon here with you on the blog. I’ll be sharing information on the products we grow (and how we grow them), some recipes, and other fun things.

I work at Blue Moon Acres’ Buckingham office, handling all aspects of our customer care, serving as liaison between our farms and chefs, and doing most of our design and marketing work. I live in Washington Crossing, PA. Apart from life at the farm, I spend my time reading, listening to podcasts, cooking, baking, walking, antiquing, and dreaming of a future…on a farm.


Five Things To Know about Rebecca

    1. My nickname at Blue Moon is Rebs. It’s spelled different ways, depending on the situation.
    2. I really enjoy following chef gossip, aka restaurant news, aka my job.
    3. I am responsible for almost all of Blue Moon’s social media, and appreciate every like, comment, retweet…
    4. My car is a 24-year-old Toyota 4Runner. (It’s doing great, thanks.)
    5. I love soup, old chairs, and Bucks County.


By |July 19th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Introducing your friendly Blue Moon bloggers: Rebecca Van Wagner

Introducing your friendly Blue Moon bloggers: Jeremy Tucker


Happy times in the edible flower garden.

Happy times in the edible flower garden.

This next blog is all about me. Literally. It’s about the person responsible for roughly half of all our forthcoming blogs. I for one could not be happier. Shameless self-promotion, after all, is one of my favorite pastimes.

I came to Blue Moon Acres in August of 2012, after nearly two decades in the corporate world. For me, it was a dream come true: The owners, Jim and Kathy, were actually present and active in the day-to-day operations. You could talk to them, ask them questions. Gone were the days of the nameless, faceless, inaccessible CEO. Gone too was the stifling corporate culture, the unrealizable expectations, and the insane fixation on profit and productivity. I felt, finally, as if I had a stake in the organization I worked for.

I was born and raised in the Philly suburbs, where I lived until moving to Portland, Oregon in September 2008.  There, I worked as a supervisor at Zupan’s Market, an upscale grocery, while chipping away at my fourth novel, Growing Up Selling Out. Portland, too, saw the beginning of my love-affair with cycling. A dedicated commuter, I started doing overnight tours to the Cascade foothills. And in the summer of August, after selling nearly all my worldly possessions, I hopped on my bike and set off for Walden, Colorado to visit my brother.

In April of 2012, I again loaded my bike and hit the road—this time to my hometown, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. However, after battling grueling winds and frigid temperatures for two weeks, my knee gave out, and the trip had to be abandoned. I hope one day to complete the cross-country circuit, though perhaps along a warmer, less windy, route!

When not blogging or shamelessly self-promoting, I enjoy walking, reading, hiking, playing drums, dancing, writing, and spending time with friends. Recently, I’ve even started dabbling in sketch comedy! I consider myself fortunate to be living in such exciting times, and am grateful for this opportunity to share my personal history.


By |July 2nd, 2013|News|Comments Off on Introducing your friendly Blue Moon bloggers: Jeremy Tucker