The Fruits of CO-OPeration

For members of the Doylestown Food Co-Op, March 22nd was a special day. That was the day of their Grand Opening, the culmination of many years hard work and planning. Their first Grand Opening had been delayed by power outages caused by the February 6th ice storm, making it that much more special. “So many…

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How ‘Bout Them Apples!

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, the old saying goes. But what if that apple is local, recently-picked, and grown with love? Could it do more than just keep the doctor away? Could it spark a revolution? Amy Manoff of Manoff Market Gardens thinks so. “A well-grown apple is the most basic thing,”…

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Relocalization’s Triumph

Pick up a menu at Triumph Brewery New Hope and you’ll notice something special: it’s all local. That’s right. For just under a year now, the upscale brew-pub has been committed to sourcing exclusively from local farms, wholesalers, distilleries, and vineyards. It’s the kind of quixotic experiment you privately shake your head at—until it succeeds.…

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