Posts Tagged ‘New Jersey Grown’
The Scoop on Potatoes
What is a potato? A potato is a vegetable. It is part of the nightshade family of plants (along with tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. The potato is actually the swollen portion of the underground root, called a tuber. The tuber serves to provide food for the leafy green (above-ground) part of the plant. If allowed…
Read More »3 Ways to Make Use of an Abundance of Tomatoes
Hello, tomato. So wonderful to see you again. Such taste, such loveliness, such flavor… tis’ the season of Jersey-grown tomatoes. As a tomato lover, I sometimes find myself thinking with my eyes, and come home with more tomatoes than I can possibly consume. What’s a girl to do? 3 Ways to Make Use of an…
Read More »Spring Mix, from Seed to Plate
Let me first state that Spring Mix is just that- a mix of different lettuces and greens, not a certain type of seed or name of a plant. Some of us (*ahem. Myself*) not familiar with farming and growing things may not have known this. Now that we’ve got that cleared up… I hope you’ve…
Read More »A Salad by Any Other Name…
Why is a salad called a salad? These are the questions we (ok, I) ask ourselves as we chomp into the first bites of locally-grown lettuces this season… “Salad” comes from “sal”, ie, salt. In ancient times (and modern, as well), salt was an ingredient in the salad dressing. As they say, clothes make the…
Read More »What does it mean to transplant plants?
Here at Blue Moon Acres, we get a jump on spring by starting items that will be growing outside in the greenhouses first, using a method known as transplanting. Transplanting literally means to uproot and replant. We begin the plants in the heated, warm greenhouses in trays, and then gradually transfer them to the ground.…
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