In Your Inbox Weekly
Blue Moon Acres’ mission is to grow produce that nourishes both body and earth.
3 Ways to Make Use of an Abundance of Tomatoes
Hello, tomato. So wonderful to see you again. Such taste, such loveliness, such flavor… tis’ the season of Jersey-grown tomatoes. As a tomato lover, I sometimes find myself thinking with my eyes, and come home with more tomatoes than I can possibly consume. What’s a girl to do? 3 Ways to Make Use of an…
Read More »Winter on the Farm
If you’re like me, you’ve always wondered what goes on at a farm in the winter. You too have imagined farmers burrowing into the barren soil and remaining there, in a state of hibernation, until the warm weather returns. (Or at least sitting around watching Little House on the Prairie reruns.) For most farms, however,…
Read More »Geothermal Energy Comes to Pennington!
If you’ve been to our Pennington market, you’ve already experienced it—and probably didn’t even know it. What am I talking about, you ask? Geothermal energy. Our market, harvest room, and upstairs living quarters are regulated using a horizontal geothermal heating/cooling system. Geothermal energy, in its most basic form, is energy that is generated and stored…
Read More »How ‘Bout Them Apples!
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, the old saying goes. But what if that apple is local, recently-picked, and grown with love? Could it do more than just keep the doctor away? Could it spark a revolution? Amy Manoff of Manoff Market Gardens thinks so. “A well-grown apple is the most basic thing,”…
Read More »Seven Cool Ways to Get Your Compost On!
Imagine a pile of trash 2000 feet tall, one mile wide, and 85 million tons heavy. An enormous pile, almost large enough to be seen from space. That’s how much compostable waste Americans discard in a single year. According to the EPA, food scraps and yard waste account for 20 to 30 percent of what…
Read More »Soil. The Other Black Gold.
When we think about natural resource depletion, most of us think fossil fuels, fresh water, or helium. Few would imagine our planet ever running out of topsoil. Yet according to a recent Cornell University study, that’s precisely what’s happening—at a rate of 10 to 40 percent a year, one of our most precious resources is…
Read More »Farm to Table Dinner with Elements Restaurant
[dropcap]J[/dropcap]OIN US! We will be hosting our very first Farm to Table Dinner Sunday July 14 at Blue Moon Acres Pennington with Chef Scott Anderson of Elements and Mistral restaurant in Princeton, NJ. Tickets and more information:
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