April 2014 Events in Pennington

Friday, April 4, 4-7pm: FIRST FRIDAY APRIL
Photography and Food: Featured Artist is outdoor photographer Vince M. Camiolo. Gallery and photo sale. Enjoy samples with Abdel of Mediterranean Delicacies Organic Olive and a dish prepared by Chef James Odell.  He will use Blue Moon Acre’s own New Jersey Grown  rice, market vegetables, and organic chicken. Enjoy live music and vocals with soulful Jim Arkus. Complimentary snacks, beer, & wine.

Saturday, April 5, 11:00am-12:30pm: SUSTAINABLE SATURDAY
Meet the Author: Spit That Out! Paige Wolf operates a public relations firm servicing clients who contribute to a sustainable world and positive change. In addition, Paige raises two children and published her critically acclaimed book, “Spit that Out! The Overly Informed Parents Guide to Raising Your Children in the Age of Environmental Guilt”. www.spitthatoutthebook.com Registrants receive a signed copy of her book! Paige will share her expertise on realistic green-living and parenting while we make healthy snack creations using items harvested fresh from our New Jersey Grown fields. Bring your own ideas and suggestions for some great Q&A. Enjoy samples and light refreshments.         Cost: $20; $10 for each additional family member; Free for children age 10 and under. Located in the big red barn next to our market or outside (weather permitting).Register online now.  You can also call our Pennington store at 609-737-8333 or stop in between Wednesday-Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-5pm.

Saturday, April 12, 11:00am-12:30pm: SUSTAINABLE SATURDAY
Bee Keeping with Yellow Bee. Ken Walters of YellowBee is putting some of his hives right on our farm in Pennington! Come meet Ken, sample his products, learn some tricks of the trade, and tour our hives. Appropriate for novice to experienced bee-keepers. Participants receive 10% off all YellowBee products in our Pennington store. A portion of the days’ proceeds will be donated to bee colony collapse research.
Cost: $20; $10 for each additional family member; Free for children age 10 and under. Located in the big red barn next to our market or outside (weather permitting). Register online now. You can also call our Pennington store at 609-737-8333 or stop in between Wednesday-Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-5pm.

Saturday, April 19, 11:00am-12:30pm: SUSTAINABLE SATURDAY
Meet Chef and Author Ian Knauer. Chef Ian Knaur will entertain and inspire in this truly “farm-to-table” cooking demo and book-signing. The morning starts with a quick tour of our fields where guests get a chance to harvest one of our crops for Ian to cook! Bring your questions, ideas, and recipe books. Learn more at www.ianknauer.com . Participants receive 30% off signed copies of Ian’s books in our market. Cost: $20 per person. Additional family members: $10 each. Children 10 & Under: FREE.  Register online now. You can also call our Pennington store at 609-737-8333 or stop in between Wednesday-Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday/Sunday 10am-5pm.