How Climate Change is Changing Farming

Farming was never an easy gig, but lately it’s been downright frustrating. Record heat waves, floods, cold-spells, and droughts are cutting into yields and in some instances ruining entire crops. Analysts warn that such climate change-driven extremes could reduce grain production in G20 countries by up to 8.7 percent by 2020 if no significant action…

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8 Things We Love about Spring

1. Cooking with fava beans and asparagus Ashley Lyons, Sales Manager 2. Sleeping with the windows open Emily Boell, Market Manger, Sales 3. Strawberries from Manoff Market Gardens Jeremy Tucker, Sales, Delivery Driver 4. Exchanging jackets for t-shirts 5. Seeing the first flowers blooming Josh Goldsmith, Assistant Market Manager 6. Kayaking in Bucks County Natalie…

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What does it mean to transplant plants?

Here at Blue Moon Acres, we get a jump on spring by starting items that will be growing outside in the greenhouses first, using a method known as transplanting. Transplanting literally means to uproot and replant. We begin the plants in the heated, warm greenhouses in trays, and then gradually transfer them to the ground.…

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