E1 • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2012

Last year’s Shop Local Bucks County Locavore networking event at Superior Woodcraft’s offi ces and showroom on North Hamilton Street resulted in a sustainable business partnership between Triumph Brewery in New Hope, Blue Moon Acres in Buckingham and Bucks County Freedom Fuel/Wash Tyme in Perkasie. Attending were (from left) Patrick Kennedy, vice president of Superior Woodcraft; Ashley Lyons, sales manager, Blue Moon Acres; Dan Weintraub, sales manager, Triumph Brewery; and Andy Rumbold, owner of Bucks County Freedom Fuel and Wash Tyme. Triumph gives its used cooking oil to Freedom Fuel and Wash Tyme, which use it to make soap used in Triumph’s kitchen and biofuel used in Blue Moon’s tractors. Click Here to get the full PDF.

By |May 27th, 2013|Press|Comments Off on THE INTELLIGENCER

First Fridays at the Farm

The first Friday of each month. Meet the  producers of  the delicious product we carry  in the market. Taste, talk, and learn about local food. Download our full list of events for 2013 Here!

By |May 25th, 2013|Events|Comments Off on First Fridays at the Farm

New Jersey Life – Blue Moon Acres

Tender microgreens are much in demand by chefs in the region’s most progressive restaurant’s. Step behind the artistry on many of these plates, and you’ll find the soil-crusted, dedicated hands of Jim and Kathy lyons of blue moon acres — one of the first farms in the nation to cultivate these tiny treasures. Download full pdf of NJ – Life Here!

By |May 19th, 2013|Press|Comments Off on New Jersey Life – Blue Moon Acres

Bucks Life Magazine: Our Favorite Food People

Bucks Life Magazine: Our Favorite Food People

By |February 1st, 2013|Press|Comments Off on Bucks Life Magazine: Our Favorite Food People